Uncovering the Agenda Behind Snow White’s Evil Queen Being Portrayed as Transgender


The classic tale of Snow White has recently come under fire for its portrayal of the iconic villain, the Evil Queen, being played by a transgender actor. Many are applauding this move as a step towards diversity and representation in Hollywood. However, from a conservative standpoint, there is a deeper agenda at play here.

First and foremost, let's address the elephant in the room: the blatant disregard for the original story. Snow White is a timeless fairy tale that has been enjoyed by generations. It is a story of good versus evil, beauty versus vanity. Changing the gender of the Evil Queen goes against the core message of the story and undermines the impact it has on young minds.

Moreover, this casting choice raises questions about the motive behind it. Is it truly about inclusivity, or is it just another way for the liberal agenda to push their beliefs onto society? It is no secret that the entertainment industry has a history of promoting progressive ideals, and this latest move only adds to the concern.

One cannot help but wonder, what is the purpose of this change? Is it to normalize transgender individuals in the eyes of the public? While conservatives believe in treating all individuals with respect and equality, we also value the importance of preserving traditional values and beliefs. This forced inclusion can do more harm than good, as it may confuse and even influence impressionable young minds.

Additionally, let's not forget that this casting decision also has practical implications. The Evil Queen is a character known for her beauty and seduction, qualities that may be more fitting for a female actress. By casting a transgender actor, the film is essentially rewriting the character and changing the dynamics of the story. This raises the question of whether this is a necessary change or just another attempt at being politically correct.

But beyond the surface-level concerns, this casting choice also brings up larger issues within the transgender community. By promoting the idea that anyone can play any role regardless of their biological sex, are we not diminishing the struggles and experiences of those who identify as transgender? This narrative reinforces the idea that gender is fluid and can be changed at will, which goes against the beliefs of many conservatives.

In the end, the decision to cast a transgender actor as the Evil Queen in Snow White may seem like a small, insignificant detail. However, when we look at it from a conservative point of view, we see the bigger picture and the potential consequences it may have. It is important to question and critically analyze the motives behind such changes, and not simply accept them blindly in the name of progress.

In conclusion, while diversity and inclusivity are important, it should not come at the expense of altering classic stories and promoting a certain agenda. Snow White's Evil Queen being portrayed as transgender is just another example of the liberal agenda seeping into the entertainment industry. It is time to take a step back and reevaluate the impact of such decisions on our society.

What are YOUR thoughts on Disney?

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  1. I will never go back to Disney. I haven’t been since their “gay day”. They should offer a Straight Day so we don’t have to be exposed to this trash!

  2. This may have an unintended consequence. We all know the Queen is evil. If it’s a transgendered person, there may be a connection drawn by the kids that the transophiles don’t want. Now if the trannie was Snow White, that’s a different story.

  3. Disney is a disgrace!!! They have their own agenda and not following what Walt Disney wanted his legacy to portray! Shame on these people! Our children are being used as pawns for someone’s personal political agenda!! I wouldn’t let my children within 10 feet of Disney!!

  4. Is it worst to have our children touched by a transsexual queen, or have their hair sniffed by a jack booted goose stepping senile president?

  5. More evil from the DEMONrats to destroy the moral fabric of the USA and have the Islamics and CCP ruling the world. And the libtards will be the first executed by the CCP and Islamic terrorists.

  6. Not sure why you deleted my comment. I can’t think of any guideline it would have transgressed. If that’s the way you’re going to run your site, I don’t need to waste my time reading and commenting.

  7. The problem for Disney is the people they hire. College grads have become so radicalized, they bring it to the job when you hire them! It seems you want the decline you started!

  8. Disney has lost billions, yet they continue on their path to destruction. I will never again set foot in anything to do with Disney—theme Parks, Movies, Streaming etc etc.
    I am sure this was not Walt Disney’s View of the future. I suppose I will never understand. Budweiser, The King of Beers with the most Iconic Clysdales as their King of Advertisiung, literally destroyed themselves. For what % of the population????? No-one knows. I digress…..Disney is now Dirt

  9. Fortunately for the children—this won’t even register w/them… Probably it is intended as one more straw on the parent/camels back,,,

  10. Disney is gone, gone, gone. I boycott them every chance I get. I never watch any thing they produce. I do not buy anything Disney for my grandchildren. To me the rainbow is still a promise from God that the earth will not be destroyed by water again and that is it. They are grooming our children to accept pedophilia. It is criminal and deliberate. The pervs want to be able to hurt children without being held accountable for their criminal activities. I am so tired of the trans movement crap. Why does a man have to dress up like a tart and pretend to be a woman? I think it’s a lack of respect. They are making fun of women and motherhood. They don’t want little girls to be mommies. They want them to have their breasts cut off so that they can’t nurse their babies. Which by the way is a most beautiful experience having nursed 4 babies myself. When and where will it all end? Disney is a huge part of the problem. They are evil to me and to be avoided at all costs.

  11. Disney land has lost its Magic! I it is.no longer the Magic Kingdom for Children! Whoever permitted this Transgender person or the depiction of
    One should be fired for such a mistake that will harm the reputation of
    Disney !?? Walt must be rolling over in his grave !
    PS: Remember what happened to Budweiser !ll

  12. I have been a Disney shareholder for over 30 years. Disney shareholders have lost billions of dollars as a result of Disney’s decision to promote a “Woke” agenda instead of providing family entertainment. Therefore, I would like to find a lawyer who will file a class-action suit against the Disney board of directors for “Failure of Fiduciary Responsibility.”

  13. first of all diversity and inclusion are not important. its a plague and a moral copout for small minded people who corrupt the world. disney will not ever get another dime from me through their marketing or streaming services. they need to be stopped now.


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