Controversial Chaos: Conservative Perspective on Soros-Funded Prosecutor’s Motion to Hold


In a recent development that has sparked outrage among the conservative community, a motion has been filed by Soros-funded prosecutor Alvin Bragg to hold individuals accountable for their actions. This move has only added fuel to the fire of the already heated debate surrounding the influence of billionaire George Soros on our justice system.

Bragg, who has been known for his progressive stance and ties to Soros, has once again made headlines with this bold move. Many on the right see this as yet another example of Soros' deep pockets manipulating the legal system to serve his own agenda.

But what exactly is the motion that has caused such an uproar? According to sources, it calls for the prosecution of individuals involved in what is being deemed as "unlawful activities" during recent protests and demonstrations. This includes charges against law enforcement officers for their use of force in maintaining order and protecting innocent civilians.

For conservatives, this is seen as a direct attack on the men and women who risk their lives to keep our streets safe. They argue that Bragg's agenda is to dismantle our law enforcement and leave us vulnerable to chaos and lawlessness.

Furthermore, many believe that Soros' funding of Bragg's campaign for prosecutor is a clear indication of his intentions to sway the legal system in his favor. This is not the first time the Hungarian-American billionaire has been accused of using his wealth and influence to manipulate politics and justice.

The backlash against Bragg's motion has been swift and fierce. Conservatives are standing united in their opposition to what they see as a blatant disregard for law and order. Some have even called for a boycott of Soros-funded organizations and businesses, urging others to take a stand against this dangerous manipulation.

On the other hand, those in support of Bragg argue that the motion is necessary in holding individuals accountable for their actions and addressing the systemic issues within our justice system. They point to the ongoing protests and calls for social justice as evidence that change is needed, and Bragg's motion is a step in the right direction.

However, for conservatives, the fear remains that this is just the beginning. With Bragg now in a powerful position, there are concerns that he will continue to push his progressive agenda and dismantle the very foundations of our justice system.

In the end, this latest move by Soros-funded prosecutor Alvin Bragg has only deepened the divide between the right and left. Conservatives see it as a dangerous abuse of power, while progressives see it as a necessary step towards reform. Only time will tell how this controversy will unfold and what impact it will have on our justice system. But one thing is for sure, the battle between conservative values and the influence of outside forces is far from over.

We want to hear from you! Please share your perspective by commenting below.


  1. I say lock up George Soro’s and his son as well they are corrupt and has all these Democrats that he paid to keep criminals from being prosecuted but to go after our President Trump. This is over reach of our judiciary system. Fire Bragg and Latisha James and Fani WILLIS SOROS HAS PAID FOR THEM TO GET Trump. Throw this piece of garbage in Prison .Throw away the keys!

  2. George Soros it’s not a simple American Hungarian. He is 93 and was a sonderkomando. What’s that you might ask? This is what a sonderkomando is:
    In world war II, the Nazis herded all the Jews into concentration camps. There were lots of reasons but the primary one was money. The Jews controlled 75% of the commerce in Europe as shopkeepers, entrepreneurs, Jewelers, money handlers. Hitler is not the primary reason the Jews were persecuted. He went along with his gestapo head Heinrich Himmler and his propaganda Minister, Joseph Goebbels. They wanted to choose dead because Germany desperately needed money to fund the war effort. They couldn’t simply ask the Jews for the money so they killed them. At first, they buried half a million of them and bulldozed pits. When they realized they weren’t going to be able to bury 6 million jews, they built the crematoriums. The Germans didn’t have the manpower to do all this killing so they forced Jewish kids to do the dirty work by blowing other Jews brains all over the ground to intimidate them. So, they cooperated and pulled the teeth from their dead parents and relatives Jaws to do the dirty work for the nazis. But wait! It gets better. When Patton started getting close and the Germans understood that defeat was around the corner, Himmler forced the sonderkomando to dig up they’re dead Jewish countryman who had been lying in shallow Mass Graves decomposing for a couple of years. These kids were forced to pick their dead Jewish rotting corpses out of the ground and load them in wheelbarrows to wheel to the crematoriums. The Germans stood guard to make sure they did the job with their gas mask on because the stench of rotting flesh was so great. The Jewish sonderkomandos we’re not given gas masks or gloves. They picked if you composed rotting bodies of their country and up and loaded them into wheelbarrows. They either cooperating or had their brains blown out. Nice picture, isn’t it! And people Wonder why someone is so screwed up? There’s always a reason.

  3. Please excuse the typos in my comment. I dictate and things come out a little goofy sometimes. Please read between the lines.

  4. If the progressives are looking for accountability then let it be, but, it
    needs to happen on both ends. Bragg should be held accountable for the release of felons that do harm to individuals. Lawsuits against Bragg and any other DA or prosecutors in which release a felon that goes on to do bodily harm to anyone should be held liable.

  5. George Soros it’s not a simple American Hungarian. He is 93 and was a sonderkomando. What’s that you might ask? This is what a sonderkomando is:
    In world war II, the Nazis herded all the Jews into concentration camps. There were lots of reasons but the primary one was money. The Jews controlled 75% of the commerce in Europe as shopkeepers, entrepreneurs, Jewelers, and moneyhandlers. Hitler is not the primary reason the Jews were persecuted. He went along with his gestapo head Heinrich Himmler and his propaganda Minister, Joseph Goebbels. They wanted the Jews dead because Germany desperately needed money to fund the war effort. They couldn’t simply ask the Jews for the money so they killed them. At first, they buried half a million of them in bulldozed pits. When they realized they weren’t going to be able to bury 6 million Jews, they built the crematoriums. The Germans didn’t have the manpower to do all this killing so they forced Jewish kids to do the dirty work by blowing other Jew’s brains all over the ground to terrify and intimidate them. So, they cooperated and pulled the teeth from their dead parents and relatives’ jaws to do the dirty work for the nazis. But wait! It gets better. When Patton started getting close and the Germans understood that defeat was around the corner, Himmler forced the sonderkomandos to dig up their dead Jewish countryman who had been lying in shallow Mass Graves decomposing for a couple of years. These kids were forced to pick the Jewish dead, rotting corpses out of the ground and load them in wheelbarrows to wheel to the crematoriums. The Germans stood guard to make sure they did the job with their gas mask on because the stench of rotting flesh was so great. The Jewish sonderkomandos we’re not given gas masks or gloves. They picked the decomposed rotting bodies of their countrymen up and loaded them into wheelbarrows. They either cooperated or had their brains blown out. Nice picture, isn’t it! And people wmonder why someone is so screwed up? There’s always a reason.

  6. If Americans and our Justice System allows Soros and his hired henchmen to succeed in destroying out laws and judicial institutions like this , these radical Marxist regimes will have our country and control all of us. We will no longer have a Constitution or freedoms we are use to. Our country will be unrecognizable. Everyone knows about this evil man and how he has destroyed other countries so why is Americans sitting by allowing him and the WEF/NWO people to do this? We should confiscate Soros properties here and any assets he has in the USA, freeze bank account too. We need to fire all Marxist lawyers, teachers, judges, in our judicial and government agencies.


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