House GOP Pushes New Bill to Block Sanctuary Cities from Aiding Illegal Migrants


In a significant move to counter sanctuary city policies, Rep. Burgess Owens (R-UT) has introduced new legislation aimed at holding sanctuary cities accountable for not cooperating with federal immigration enforcement. The bill, reflecting Republican frustrations with the Biden administration’s immigration policies, seeks to limit federal funding to cities that refuse to comply with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detainer requests.

The proposed bill would require local jurisdictions to cooperate with ICE in detaining and deporting illegal immigrants who commit crimes. "Sanctuary cities are undermining the rule of law and placing American citizens at risk," said Owens during the bill's introduction. The legislation comes in the wake of increasing migrant arrivals in major sanctuary cities, exacerbating local resource strains and sparking political controversy​​.

Sanctuary cities like Chicago, which expects 25,000 migrants ahead of the Democratic National Convention, have become focal points in the national debate over immigration. Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker is opening new shelters to manage the influx, while Texas Governor Greg Abbott continues his policy of busing migrants to these cities, highlighting the growing tension between state and local governments and the federal administration​.

The Owens bill aligns with broader Republican efforts to curb the influence of sanctuary policies. North Carolina, for instance, is moving forward with legislation to outlaw sanctuary jurisdictions, ensuring local law enforcement cooperates with ICE. This state-level push is part of a concerted effort by the GOP to reinforce immigration laws and enhance public safety​​.

The proposed federal bill, if passed, would significantly impact cities like San Francisco and Houston, which have long-standing sanctuary policies. These policies often lead to the release of criminal illegal immigrants without notifying federal authorities, as seen in the case of Kathryn Steinle’s murder in 2015, which sparked nationwide outrage and calls for stricter immigration enforcement​​.

Critics of the bill argue it could erode trust between immigrant communities and local law enforcement, leading to underreporting of crimes and further marginalization of vulnerable populations. The Biden administration has also expressed concerns, suggesting that the bill might violate civil rights and disrupt community policing efforts​​.

Despite these criticisms, supporters of the bill argue that it is necessary to ensure the safety of American citizens and uphold the integrity of federal immigration laws. They point to the strain on local resources and the potential security risks posed by sanctuary policies as justification for the bill's stringent measures​​.

As the debate over immigration intensifies, the passage of the Owens bill will likely be a significant marker of the ongoing conflict between federal and local authorities over the management and enforcement of immigration laws. The House is expected to vote on the bill in the coming weeks, setting the stage for a contentious battle on Capitol Hill.


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